Saturday, October 11, 2008

whimpers in the air

my first blog entry ... yikes, the world can now peek into my noggin!

i have become a constant visitor at my friend michele's blog & i love it. it has become one of my daily "things" ... & my daily "things" make me happy! so many interesting comments, events & happenings seem to happen all around me quite often -i think this would be the perfect way to save those memories. so, that said, the day i decided that blogging was for me was the day i heard whimpers in the air.

i'm doing dishes, josie is eating breakfast in her chair & i thought i heard our neighbors tiny dog wiley squealing outside. atreyu - my dog - will sometimes bite his ankles, so i thought the morning play ritual was under way. about a half hour later i faintly heard the whimper again. looking out the window, i realize - wait a minute - wiley isn't here, & i haven't seen atreyu for at least an hour. so, i grab josie & outside we go. wandering around, we hear the cries get louder ... & once i started calling atreyu's name they were non-stop. after minutes of wandering around the woods, i realized that it literally sounded like it was coming from the middle of driveway. hmmm...oh my gosh! he's in the culvert! i get the stroller, scoot josie in there & instantly think , "i need to call dominic" then just as quick as that came through, the thought of "NO ... be a strong woman and figure this out on your own!" so, i peek in, and see little eyeballs glaring at me. poor thing. with all the insane weather we had this summer, our culvert was 3/4 of the way filled with sand/mud. atreyu's little pot-belly body was stuck! i grab a shovel & hop into the ditch. josie's eyes are huge, i'm sure wondering - "mama, what are you doing & who are you talking to?" first gross thing, hop down in the ditch to only have yucky, muddy, decomposing leaves squeeze through my toes! so i start digging & really no progress was to be had. the only way i could reach in far enough to dig him out was to lay on my belly in all the sludge & go in the culvert - & there was no way that was happening, until last resort! hmmm ... my neighbor ben, he's super tall & will be going to work soon, i will give him a call to swing in! perfect - he answered & will be down in a sec! in the meantime, i have to call dominic as this is just too much, this dog has been through so much & really this only goes along with the story of his life. so, long story short - ben pops by, shovels him out in about 10 minutes & i have one ecstatic, smelly, exhausted dog! he was probably in there for at least an hour. atreyu's life stumbles ... this dog has jumped out of a moving car, been hit by a car, been hit by a motorcycle, ate a complete pack of birth control pills, got into a scuffle with a porcupine, & now got stuck in a culvert! thought cats were supposed to have 9 lives, not dogs!

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