Thursday, October 16, 2008


it's an ULTRALITE AIRCRAFT ... that's what i saw. poor joe, since he's woken up this morning, i must of asked him the name of what i saw at least 8 times. why my memory won't remember that "term" i don't know. so i have not been able to find a picture of exactly what i saw anywhere. this is kinda what i saw - the bottom is kinda the the same, the top was different - it was a parachute.

the best thing about this picture, though, is the story that goes with it. these are whooping cranes that are following this ultrlite. in the 1940's whooping cranes were almost extinct ... at one point there were only 20 left, all in the same flock. so governmental wildlife refuges got involved & have been trying to protect the cranes & establish additional flocks. the people that help raise the cranes always dress in different outfits to disguise themselves - so the cranes won't know they are being raised by humans. (see the picture) so, once the cranes are ready, they use these ultralite aircrafts to help the cranes learn how to migrate. right now they go from wisconsin to florida. in case you would like to read about all details you can go here. love how one thing leads to another - that was fun!

oh yeah, if none of this makes sense to you, you might need to read the post before this one ...

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