Tuesday, October 21, 2008


you know that choked up feeling when you feel a tear might be coming? this past sunday was a day full of those. on sunday my day started early, meeting my friend & coworker sally to head off to the making strides against breast cancer walk in laconia. it was freezing, but i would say that possibly 750 people came out to walk! i have always wanted to do this, & have never been able to find someone to actually commit to do it with me, until this year. i should of done it sooner, even if i was by myself. now, i hope that i won't have to miss a walk for a very long time. the best part for me was watching all the "survivors" - so touching. ... these women glowing & walking so proud - it was really beautiful. i found myself choking up sometimes seeing them & wondering what their struggle must of been like. with that thought, i quickly caught myself thinking of all the families & friends walking for someone that wasn't able beat it. a pretty profound day. i'm not too much of a "pink" girl, but i was more than happy to wear it on sunday! thanks to the support of my wonderful friends & family i exceeded my fundraising goal - very cool, thank you.

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